Professional Clinical Testing for Health and Beauty Products

It is a group of tests to measure the effectiveness of health and beauty products, conducted with the group of volunteers. It can be tested in conjunction with the irritation test, and the test takes approximately 1-3 months.

Quality Plus offers a service to check product performance that is suitable for the type of product owned by the customer. We have a collaboration with well-known health and beauty product testing institutes, and customers are assured that product testing is performed in accordance with international standards, and under the supervision of a dermatologist, who can analyze and test the effectiveness of the product accurately.


Product Allergy and Irritation Test

Allergy and Irritation Tests in Health and Beauty industry, ensures that the product is hypoallergenic and safe for users. The process takes about 1 month.


Product Sun Protection Performance Test

Sun protection efficacy test for sun protection products. The test can be performed for Beauty products sun protection group, such as sunscreen, sun spray, pressed powder, foundation to test the sun protection value and confirm that the product can really protect the skin.


Make-Up Product Test

Conducted on any make-up product (e.g. mascara, compact powder, foundation, lipstick, etc) by a group of volunteers to evaluate any effect of interest such as Long lasting effect for compact powder, foundation and moisturizing, long lasting effect for lipsticks.


Product Safety Test

The test is conducted to evaluate the product reaction with the skin, and can be performed for both – the product and the extracts, which are the ingredients in the product. Single patch test will be able to tell the risk of potential irritation, whereas repeat insult patch test (RIPT) will helps to determine the hypoallergenic effect, of ingredients or products.

List of Laboratory Test Services

ทดสอบความคงตัวในผลิตภัณฑ์เครื่องสำอาง (Stability Testing)

Stability Testing for Cosmetic Products

Test method : Heating and thawing cycle: 6 Cycles (measure specific quality for: chemical value, viscosity value, color value)
Sample quantity : 1 - 2 kg
Period : 30 days

ทดสอบความเข้ากันได้ของบรรจุภัณฑ์ (Compatibility Test)

Packaging Compatibility Testing Service

Test method : Glue: 5 conditions preservation: Room temperature (3m), Temperature 4°C(3m), Temperature 40/45°C (3m), Fluorescence Lamp (1 m.), Sunlight (7 day)
Sample quantity : The amount of 50 or more depends on the volume and amount of storage.
Period : 90 - 120 days

ทดสอบค่า PH

PH testing service

Test method : pH - Meter
Sample quantity : 100 g
Period : 30 - 45 days

ทดสอบหาค่าจุดหลอมเหลว (Melting Point)

Melting Point Testing Service

Test method : Base on TIS 234-2559
Sample quantity : 100 g
Period : 30 - 45 days

ทดสอบหาค่าไฮโดรควิโนน (Hydroquinone)

Hydroquinone Testing Service

Test method : GC
Sample quantity : 100 g
Period : 30 - 45 days

ทดสอบหาค่ากรดเรติโนอิก (Retinocic acid)

Retinocic Acid Determination Service

Test method : GC
Sample quantity : 100 g
Period : 30 - 45 days

ทดสอบหาสเตียรอยด์ (Steroids) 7 ชนิด

Steroid Testing Services (7 Types)

Test method : Hydrocortisone, Progesterone, Testosterone, Triamcinoione, Cortexoione, Prednisolone, Dexamethazone (HPLC-DAD)
Sample quantity : 100 g
Period : 30 - 45 days

Clobetasol Propionate (Detected/Not Detected)

Clobetasol Propionate Test Service (Detected/Not Detected)

Test method : Qualitative by HPIC
Sample quantity : 100 g
Period : 30 - 45 days

Propylean Glycol (Detected/Not Detected)

Propylean Glycol Testing Service (Detected/Not Detected)

Test method : Qualitative by HPLC
Sample quantity : 100 g
Period : 30 - 45 days

ทดสอบวัดค่าความหนืด (Viscosity Test)

Viscosity Test Service

Test method : Viscometer
Sample quantity : 300 g
Period : 7 - 10 days

ทดสอบหาสารตะกั่ว (Lead) (Pd)

Lead Testing Service (Pd)

Test method : Heavy Metals Test - leal (Pd)
Sample quantity : 50 g
Period : 7 - 10 days

ทดสอบหาสารหนู (Arsenic) (As203)

Arsenic (As203) Testing Service

Test method : Heavy Metals Test - Arsenic (As203)
Sample quantity : 50 g
Period : 7 - 10 days

ทดสอบหาสารปsen (Mercury) (Hg)

Testing service for Mercury (Hg)

Test method : Heavy Metals Test - Mercury (Hg)
Sample quantity : 50 g
Period : 7 - 10 days

ทดสอบหาสารแบเรียม (Barium) (as BaCl)

Barium Testing Service (BaCl)

Test method : Heavy Metals Test - Barium (BaCI)
Sample quantity : 50 g
Period : 7 - 10 days

ทดสอบหาสารแคดเมียม (Cadmium) (Cd)

Testing service for Cadmium (Cd)

Test method : Heavy Metals Test - Cadmium (Cd)
Sample quantity : 50 g
Period : 7 - 10 days

การทดสอบ Yeasts & Molds

Yeasts & Molds Testing Service

Test method : Microbiological test - Total plate Count (USP Method)
Sample quantity : 50 g
Period : 7 - 10 days

การทดสอบ Psuedononas Aeruginosa

Psuedononas Aeruginosa Testing Service

Test method : Microbiological test - Total Plate Count (USP Method)
Sample quantity : 50 g
Period : 7 - 10 days

การทดสอบ Staphylococcus aureus

Staphylococcus Aureus Testing Service

Test method : Microbiological test - Total Plate Count (USP Method)
Sample quantity : 50 g
Period : 7 - 10 days

การทดสอบ Candida Albican

Candida Albican Testing Service

Test method : Microbiological test - Total plate Count (USP Method)
Sample quantity : 50 g
Period : 7 - 10 days

การทดสอบ Clostridium spp.

Clostridium spp. Testing Service

Test method : Microbiological test - Total Plate Count (USP Method)
Sample quantity : 50 g
Period : 7 - 10 days

การทดสอบ ประสิทธิภาพสารกันเสีย (Preservative Efficacy Test : Challenge test)

Preservative Efficacy Test : Challenge test

Test method : Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans, Escherichia coli, Clostridium spp (USP Method)
Sample quantity : use each substance 80 g
Period : 30 - 45 days
** : it is suitable for garam lom, which is the confirmation of the effectiveness of the substance?

Single Patch Test

Single Patch Testing Service

Test method : In vivo evaluation of skin irritation potential: Occlsive or semi-occlusive patch, contact time 24h or 48h

  • Reading score according to reaction fo erythema and edema score: 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3
  • 20 subjects normal skin
  • Report as English or Thai
  • Test duration: 1 week

Sample quantity : 100g x 2 units & based on product application

Heman Repeat Insult Patch Test

Human Repeat Insult Patch Test (HRIPT)

Test method : Dermatologist will judge skin reaction of application area according to Japan Standard judgment criteria which skin irritation scoring is shown as below.
- Judgement criteria
- No reaction
+ Definite erythema
++ Erythema+edema, papule
+++ Erythema+edema,papule+vesicles
++++ Bullae
- Subjects: at least of 50 subjects (based on criteria)
- Test duration:20days (excluding report)
- Report as English
Sample quantity : 100g x 2 units & based on product application

Make an inquiry

Quality Plus has medical experts and research team available to assist you on building your brand, to meet the needs of consumers, along with a professional marketing team to make your product a market leader and successful.