เมล็ดพันธุ์ Quality Plus

The Main Idea of Quality Plus Seeds

“Because the goal of our business is not to just to deliver products or good quality services that meet standards, but we have a big goal to get the strong seeds for the sake of Thai society. That is, people are the source and the important force in the development of the Thai economy, to create comparative advantage being able to growth and have the business equality internationally.”

Quality Seeds Creation By Developing The Strong Seedlings

Starting with the collection and selection of good seeds from various sources, both inside and outside the organization and within the supply chain of Quality Plus, taking care of the seeds to become such kind of seedlings that have sustainable and quality growth with the cooperation of the family members of Quality Plus, sharing together the extra income, generated from part-time work of members within Quality Plus includes:

  • Providing services for research project writing for participation in the contest and compete for funds.
  • Factory management consulting services regards ISO 9001, ISO 22716, Asean GMP, Halal certification.
  • Being a speakers for government agencies and various private sectors, such as Digital Marketing, Business Model Canvas writing etc.
  • Providing consulting services for private companies looking to create a Happy Workplace.
  • Providing consulting services for various projects in the public and private sectors.

Why is it necessary to have Quality Seeds?

In more than 15 years of doing business in the cosmetic industry, we have foreseen that people are an important resource for the country to stimulate and growth the economy of Thailand. Grow with potential and persistence through experience and learning, applying technology, innovation and creativity in product and service development, leveraging comparative advantages to have an outstanding potential and unique identity.

Quality Seeds project consist of

โครงการทุนการศึกษาบุตรพนักงาน(Scholarship Programs)

Employee's Children
Scholarship Program

โครงการฝึกงานทั้งในและต่างประเทศ(Internship Programs)

Internship programs for
Local and International students