Internship Experiences

Ms. Cherry

Ms. Cherry

Intern: Ms. Cherry
Course: Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness
Period: February 26-March 31, 2018
Country: Philippines
Department: Marketing & Sales

Internship Review

February 26, 2018, we started to do our internship in Quality Plus Aesthetic International Limited, the internship program is until March 30, 2018. For the short time we spend in Quality Plus I learned a lot of things that I know it will help me to grow in the future. To the people around us in the company, I always observe them and I saw that everyone in the company is doing their best to finish every task that they have to do, some of the time they are frustrated but they still finished their work maybe not super perfect but perfectly.

New ideas are very important when it comes in working, you should be competitive in the new ideas that would help the company grow, but what I like about this company is everyone is competitive but they are not fighting, they are making the competition to be fun. Working in a company is not easy, everyone is busy doing their agendas so it’s very important that you can do your own work without depending too much help from others.

It’s very given to learn new knowledge when it comes in internship but the most important things I learned in this internship, it helps me to develop my English-speaking skill and it really helps me to boost my self-confidence, it became a training ground to us to face our fear and be confident every time, it’s like a preparation for us to be ready to take the next big step in our life and career.