Purple corn and Cosmetic Industry

Corn is considered as a cash crop of Thailand with widespread household consumption which in addition to being eaten as food. Each part of the corn also has many medicinal properties and benefits, including the use of stems, stamens, pistil, pollen, and seeds. Quality Plus has the opportunity to study corn varieties in collaboration with Kasetsart University, and participate in research on the use of purple corn cob extracts.

The research found that the Purple Corn has a high amount of Lysine and Anthocyanin. It is an important source of anti-oxidants that reduces the likelihood of cancerous tumors by enhancing immunity to the body against pathogens, promote red blood cell function, delay the occurrence of clogged fat in the blood vessels, reduces heart disease, slow down the deterioration of the eyes, helps to control sugar level and slow down aging by slowing cell degeneration. In addition, it has the advantage of the nutritional value that can be used in many ways including the cosmetic and beauty industries. Quality Plus appreciate the value of Thai plants, and have an interest in advanced research development. We have the strategic partnership with the Institute of Agriculture, Kasetsart University to continue the research of Anthocyanin from Purple Corn, for the future of the global beauty industry. In-depth research results (Deep Biotechnology) divided into the following categories:

  • Purple corn extract
  • Anthocyanin from purple corn

Why Anthocyanin from Purple Corn?

At present, the beauty and cosmetics industry prefer to use natural extracts, that does not cause allergic irritation. From research and experiments found that the Purple Corn, that has improved the species, contains a high amount of Anthocyanin. It is a flavonoids compound, that has medicinal properties (Nutraceutical), with a high level of antioxidant. Antioxidant helps slow down the degeneration of cells and have applied to research to develop and use as an ingredient in high-value cosmetic product formulas (Facial skin care products).

Quality Plus has the opportunity to conduct studies together with scientists, who specialize in the research of Anthocyanin from Purple Corn, for commercial purposes.

Properties of Purple Corn

  • Anti-Oxidant
  • Anti-Inflammatory
  • Whitening
  • Anti-Aging
Reduce inflammation
Reduce dark spots Increase radiance
Reduce wrinkles

Utilization of Anthocyanin from Purple Corn

  • Cosmetic and beauty industry. Anthocyanin from Purple Corn, which is qualified as an antioxidant, helps to inhibit free radicals, to slow down the degeneration of cells. Can be developed into various types of products for high-performance skincare, such as products that slow down the degeneration of cells, antioxidant product, and more.
  • Food Supplementary Industry. Anthocyanins from Purple Corn, which is qualified as an antioxidant, helps to reduce the chances of developing cancerous tumors. Enhance immunity to the body against pathogens, enhance immunity promote red blood cell function, delay the occurrence of clogged fat in the blood vessels and reduce heart disease, slow down the deterioration of the eyes and helps to control sugar levels. Can be used to develop various dietary supplements, such as supplement for boosting immunity system for the body and a good health as well.
  • Medicine Industry. Anthocyanin from Purple Corn has an antioxidant properties, therefore it can be studied in the pharmaceutical industry, in making medicine that helps to heal wounds, to promote red blood cell function or fat formation, that is requires to continue its research and development.

Development of Anthocyanin from Purple Corn

At present, Quality Plus has developed the research into the utilization of Anthocyanin from Purple Corn, together with leading research institutes in various countries, including private agencies, research institutes from Canada, Brazil, and Japan. If you are interested in joint investment to develop research with Quality Plus in the form of developing commercial patent in the field of extracts and branded products under your own brand, please contact us.

Make an inquiry

Quality Plus has medical experts and research team available to assist you on building your brand, to meet the needs of consumers, along with a professional marketing team to make your product a market leader and successful.